Все отзывы о 'Sleeve Lake Outfitters' (3)

Sleeve Lake Outfitters Канада

Рейтинг Основано на 3 отзывах

10.0 of 10

Excellent hunting experience

10.0 of 10
Высокое качество
Benjamin Канада
10.0 of 10

A true hunting experience

10.0 of 10

Evan and his team are extremely knowledgeable and go above and beyond to make sure that you are comfortable as well as successful on your excursion. Not only do they produce consistent results during the bear and waterfowl hunts, but his years of experience ensures that even the novice hunter is educated as well as involved in the craft.

Надежный Высокое качество Хорошее соотношение цены и качества Полезный Уникальный
Christopher Соединённые Штаты Америки
10.0 of 10
Проверенный отзыв Это отзыв о проверенном бронировании на BookYourHunt
5 окт. 2020

Best outfitter I have ever had

10.0 of 10

Everything about hunting with sleeve lake outfitters in excellent. The food, accommodations, guides and animals are way above excellent. I felt like family from the beginning. Well worth the long drive. I will be bringing my son up to take his first bear with them

Надежный Высокое качество Хорошее соотношение цены и качества
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