Get the hunts YOU want with

smart subscriptions feature

Don't have time to go through all offers at our website?

How does it work? Very simple!

Log in to your account or Sign up

Visit our main page and find Log in / Sign up links at the top-right corner.

Navigate to the 'Subscriptions' page

Hover on your profile at the top-right corner and select 'Subscriptions' from the menu.

Create as many subscriptions as you want

Each subscription is just a set of filters, like animal, destination, etc. If you are interested in a combo hunt just select the species you want to include in a combination and click the 'Combo hunt' box

For example, here is how you can create a subscription for Cancellation Elk hunts in the United States

And here is how you can create a subscription for Moose and Black Bear combo hunts in Canada

Below is the result after creating these 2 subscriptions

Now just wait to hear of new hunts from us!

Our system will periodically check if there are new offers that match your subscriptions. If there are it will prepare an email with a list of offers specifically for you!

Jim Shockey explains how to create your smart subscription:

How awesome and simple is that?

This is just one of the many services BookYourHunt has available to you and the best part? It is free!

I want to sign up

Want to learn more?

Have a look at other features of the hunter's profile.